JSW MG Motor India unveiled several innovative electric vehicle (EV) initiatives at the DriEV.Bharat event in New Delhi, partnering with leading automotive and EV industry players. This event demonstrated the company’s dedication to advancing EV technology, speeding up EV adoption, and building a strong EV infrastructure. Highlights included the launch of eHUB, the largest charging platform by an OEM; Project REVIVE, which repurposes EV batteries for renewable energy storage; EVPEDIA, an educational platform for EV users; and the MG-Jio Innovative Connectivity Platform (MG-Jio ICP) for all future MG vehicles. Gaurav Gupta, Chief Growth Officer, emphasized their commitment to EV technology and user experience to promote EV adoption. JSW MG Motor has already introduced India’s first internet electric SUV, the MG ZS EV, and the MG Comet EV, aiming to install 1,000 community chargers nationwide. Their partnerships and initiatives aim to drive EV education and skill development.